DAC Education

Tell me, i forget.           teach me, i remember.        get me involved, i learn


DAC First AID Training Courses in North Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk and NATIONWIDE

Which type of First Aid training do you need?

At DAC Education, we deliver our first aid courses from our training centre in East Suffolk or we can come to you whether you’re in North Essex, Norfolk, or anywhere else in the country. 

When it comes to first aid training, there is a whole host of different courses out there. Without experience, it is sometimes difficult to know which to go for. We don't want you to overspend on a course you do not need. Please contact us if you are unsure which first aid course you require.

If you want to learn effective first-aid skills and techniques in Suffolk, then you’re in the right place. Our knowledgeable and qualified instructors specialise in delivering interactive and informative first-aid training programs in an approachable and empathetic manner. If you have any questions about our First Aid courses in Essex and Norfolk, please don’t hesitate to contact the team at DAC today!

Did you know you can achieve a Paediatric and Adult first Aid qualification in the same day!

So if you work with both young people and adults this may be your solution! contact us


Go to First AId for Farms


Go to Lone Worker First AId

First Aid Courses to suit your needs

At DAC, we do things a little differently on our first aid courses – we bring our personality to the courses and engage with you in a fun and interactive way. Our first aid instructors are global expedition leaders, ex-military, and ex-army medics, we have real-life experiences that we want to share. Whether you’re looking to learn First Aid at Work, First Aid Outdoors, or Paediatric First Aid, we have the perfect training course for you!

One of our opening lines is the absolute basic principle of first aid is keeping the wind going in and out and stopping them from leaking! The more advanced first aid courses you do, the more technical skills you are taught to do just this. There are a lot of acronyms and information to learn in any first aid training, but we do everything to ensure everyone is learning and we are keeping you engaged.

At its most basic, first aid is the initial assistance given to a victim of injury or illness. Comprised of relatively simple techniques that can be performed with rudimentary equipment, first aid is usually carried out by a layperson until professional medical assistance arrives.

All of our first aid courses offer you the chance to enhance your ability and confidence to deal with many different situations where first aid could save a life, whether it's in the workplace, in the great outdoors, at an organised event or at home. There are so many first aid courses out there that it can be difficult to know which one is best suited to your needs. It is really important to us that we train you on the correct first aid course that is relevant to your industry, so please do call us if you are unsure which course you should do.

We feel it is important and a key element to any first aid course that you feel comfortable and we therefore offer to adjust the training to suit your needs. We do not want to bore you with PowerPoints, but we like to get you involved in a fun and engaging way. That's why our Outdoor first aid course is taught outdoors (most other providers teach this course in a classroom). Factoring in the age of the group or individual, the environment that the first aid may need to be applied to and the elements that may be required, we can easily match or tailor a course to suit your requirements.

We can deliver your training in different ways (depending on which course you require) including face-to-face at our training facility in Suffolk or a location of your choice, as well as blended (part classroom, part online), virtual classrooms or completely online. To discuss your particular requirements, please don’t hesitate to contact the team at DAC today. Whether you’re looking to learn more about first aid at your workplace in Norfolk or outdoor first aid in North Essex, we are here to help. 

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Excellent instructor, informative and cleverly delivered

to make you remember.

Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) 24 June 2022

We have over 50 different types of syllabus for First Aid courses,

please get in contact if you can't find the first aid course you are looking for.

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